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Rudolph pleads not guilty to murder charge in alabama Also on tuesday, investigators in western north carolina returned to the remote, carefully planned campsite where rudolph is believed to have spent most of the past five years. The campsite on a mountainside in nantahala national forest includes a"Patio"Of interlocking slate stones;A fire pit;And"Pantries" dug into the North Face Canada Outlet ground that held large plastic containers of corn, beansAndother grains. Federal investigators removed some key evidence from the site monday, and returned tuesday to remove pieces of plastic that had been nailed around tree trunks, part of a contraption rudolph may have used to keep food away from animals. It was not clear where rudolph obtained the supplies or how he got them up the mountain.Investigators also do not know whether rudolph had the campsite ready when he went into hiding, or constructed it during his years on the run. Putnam set a trial date for aug.4 to comply with federal laws requiring a speedy trial but said it would likely be postponed because of pretrial proceedings.He scheduled a june 10 hearing on whether rudolph can be released on bond. Outside court, defense lawyer richard jaffe said the public perception of rudolph was"Far from accurate. " "It's going to take some time. "The first winter he about starved.He said, 'it's kind of hard to live on acorns and lizards. "' http://www.science2013.com/ When he killed an animal, lovin said, rudolph had to eat the meat for as long as he could before it spoiled.He said rudolph said he also was able to dry some vegetables. "He talked about foraging for supplies and hunting,"Lovin said.I thought he'd come out looking like grizzly adams,"Said randy christian, a spokesman for the sheriff's office in birmingham. Attorney general john ashcroft decided rudolph would stand trial first in birmingham, saying that case offered the greatest chance of success. Hours before his scheduled court appearance tuesday, rudolph became"Agitated"Over the lack of a working television in a day room near his cell, christian said. "I think he just wants to know what's going on in his case,"Said christian, adding that jailers will provide a working tv.Rudolph is being held in isolation with constant video monitoring.

