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Steamy family secret Does anyone have one?The f*#cking cousin thread got me thinking. Here's mine.For my entire senior year, i had a very hot, sexy, steamy, purely sexual realtionship with this guy.We ran in different crowds and felt mutual that we were not"Relationship"Material, so it was all in secret-Which made it hotter.We were rabbits. Fast forward 8 years, and i moved back to my home state and went to a family gathering to find-Much to my surpirse-That the guy that my cousin married was him!Even though i have a close North Face Canada Outlet family, this cousin and i are a few years apart and have never been that close.I never connected the dot/paid attention that her new last name could have belonged to this guy!I know we were both very equally surprised to see each other.Seriously, the blood drained from his face when he saw me! We both are now happily married with kids-And would never feel that those steamy feelings would surface and cause a problem, but i have never felt like i needed to tell my husband(Because we don't hang out with them), certain he has not told his wife(My http://www.science2013.com/ cousin), but I tell you, it makes for some super awkward conversations at the 2x/yr family gatherings because I am pretty certain what is on each of our minds. The korean side of my family has all sorts of secrets, and to this day, i do not know all the details. My grandmother and great aunt fled north korea as a teen and risked their lives doing so, and as much as i think it might be a really inspiring and heart breaking story, nobody talks about it and refuses to.It's like it's shameful or something.I don't get it.Also, they have a hard time acknowledging it because it obviously means my grandmother and great aunt were"Poor" (Though they both ended up marrying wealthy and/or prominent men).They really don't like having to mention that anyone from the family line was ever poor(I apparently come from an"Important"Family lol.Not that it did me any good, as my mother was disowned for getting knocked up by a gi, so i did not grow up in the upper tier of korean society, instead i was a poor, hungry little girl in america, where my last name didn't mean shit to anyone) One of my uncles died, and i don't know any of the details, at all, except the tid bits i've overhead from my mom.My uncle married a very pretty woman, and apparently she borrowed lots of money, and she's blamed for my uncle's untimely death.It sounds really scandalous, but no one will talk about it at all!I mean, was he killed by the mafia?Why won't anyone tell me? My youngest brother is a product of rape, and the big family secret is that he doesn't know.Obviously my other brother, sister, and i know(Since we're all much much older than him)And my mother told us to never tell him about his origin.He obviously knows he has a different father(Due to ethnicity), but he thinks his father became ill and died.I am not sure what to think about this whole thing, or if it is ever my place to tell my youngest brother.I think if he ever asked me point blank, i would tell him.But then i'd wonder if all i was doing was damaging him, since it makes no difference to any of us how he was conceived, and i don't want him to think less of himself.My grandpa knew she'd leave him if she knew he cheated on her.The kicker?My grandma's mom was visiting and apparently grandpa broke down and told her about the situation, turns out she was the one who advised him to call the doc and get him to lie to her.

